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"Hearing a Voice ... Not an Echo!"
"Escuchando una Voz ... ¡No un Eco!"
"Cómo Su Donación Ayuda a los Demás"
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Haga Clic Aquí Para Ver Nuestros Mensajes y Sermones Recientes
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Pastores Steven y Diana
"How Your Gift Helps Others"
"Our Mission Statement"
"Oh, Taste and See ... the Lord is Good!"
Our Mission is to provide a place where Jesus meets bodily with His Church and his people in an environment that fosters freedom and freedom for the Spirit of God to minister and touch His people as He wants.
Our Mission is to provide a place where the lost can find the Lover of their souls.
Our Mission is to provide a place where the wounded can find the Comforter and Healer of their lives.
Our Mission is to provide a place where the weak can be strengthened in the Power and in the Power of the Lord.
Our Mission is to provide a place where the people of every nation, every race, and every color can grow together and become all that God has created them to be.
Our Mission is to provide a place where every Believer can come and receive all that the Lord has created for them to receive.
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