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"About Our Leadership"

"Oh, Taste and See ... the Lord is Good!"

Dr. Steven A Wylie is joined by his wife, Pastor Diana Rodriguez-Wylie in planting and ministering at La Viña de Gracia Christian Church in La Calera, Colombia. 

La Viña de Gracia Christian Church is a family-based Church and these Pastors bring together decades of dedication and service in the Lord's Kingdom in advancing the Kingdom of God!


Dr. Steven A. Wylie, Founder of New Harvest Revival Center in Stockton, California and La Viña de Gracia Christian Church in the Bogotá, Colombia area and former Pastor of several local Churches in the United States, had earned his Doctor of Ministry from Lake Charles Bible College while dedicated to the ministry of time entire body of Christ over these past 40+ years.

In 1997, Dr. Wylie had been asked to be the Bishop of 17 Churches in Puebla, Mexico, consisting of 22 Pastors and their families. These churches have street evangelist teams, prison ministries, ministries to the poor and homeless, to drug addicts and prostitutes, as well as reaching out to the rich lost. His efforts have resulted in hundreds of salvations and conversions in recent years!

Now that the Church in Colombia has been firmly established and recognized as a tax-exempt non-profit Church Foundation, a new Church, New Harvest Revival Center, has been launched in Stockton, California.


Dr. Wylie's desire is to see you and your family mature and grow in the Word and be able to properly find your place within the Body of Christ, accurately discerning the Voice of the Good Shepherd and His Will for your life.

He also "brings to the table" an anointing in music, using keyboards, guitars, and vocals, and can read, perform, or just "go with the flow" of the Holy Spirit!!! 


Dr. Wylie has authored more than+34 books and Bible Study Guides in both English and Spanish, as well as written and professionally recorded and released more than 150 anointed Christian Praise and Worship songs that are currently being used and sung in Churches all around the world (not bragging ... just stating fact).

He has served in smaller churches ranging from 5 members to ministry in larger churches of over 1,200 in the congregation! He has served with assignments ranging from Leading Service Coordinator to Director of Evangelism; from "helper" to Music Minister and just about everything in between!


Joining with him is his wife, Pastor Diana Rodriguez, who moves in the Prophetic and has years of ministry to Spanish-speakers in Colombia and Chile.  Her anointed preaching and teaching often-times will "cut to the quick" but her accuracy in delivering the uncompromised Word of God is much sought after where ever she ministers!


The Lord often speaks to Pastor Diana in her times of personal prayer and consecration and reveals His plans for worldwide events as well as personal direction for Believers.  Pastor Diana is a dedicated Intecessory Prayer Warrior.


When other Pastors and Church Leaders are in need of a "Word", they will reach out and call these Pastors because of their proven track record of accurately hearing the Voice of the Lord!  They have insights and wisdom that these Pastors know they can rely on!


These highly anointed and experienced Pastors have been ordained Ministers and Leaders with Christian Evangelistic Assemblies, now known as Grace International (Houston, Texas) for many years. 


Together, their callings and anointing will bless you and your family!  Join with them as they minister in a Viña de Gracia Christian Church in La Calera, Colombia!

"To minister, a person must first be willing to serve!"

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We Are Located in La Calera, Colombia.

Nosotros Estamos Ubicados en La Calera, Colombia.

©2020-2025 - La Viña de Gracia Christian Church

©2020-2025 - Iglesia Cristiana La Viña de Gracia

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